Reduce the stress of outdoor adventures and protect your little ones with the SafeBub™ Essentials Outdoor Safety Bundle.
Comes with 120 x Anti-Mozzie Stickers (2 pack) and 24 x Anti-Itch Patches (1 pack). All products are simple to use and will keep your kids safe without harsh or nasty chemicals.
👶🏻 Keeps kids safe
👌🏼 Simple to use
🍃 Chemical free
🐨 Shipped from Australia
🎉 30-day risk-free trial
⭐️ 5,000+ happy customers
We offer a 30-day risk-free trial. If you don’t have a positive experience for ANY reason, simply return it for a full refund (and we'll cover return shipping). We will do what it takes to make sure you are 100% satisfied with your purchase.
Why you need the SafeBub™ Essentials Outdoor Safety Bundle...
Non-Toxic & Natural
Simple To Use
No Mess Application
Made For Aussies
Have questions?
What is in the Essentials Outdoor Safety Bundle?
- 120 x Anti-Mozzie Stickers (2 packs)
- 24 x Anti-Itch Patches (1 pack)
How does the 30-day guarantee work?
We offer a 30-day risk-free trial. Not satisfied? Simply return your products for a full refund (and we'll cover return shipping). We will do whatever it takes to make sure you are 100% satisfied with your purchase.